Sunday 5 April 2009

The flu has gone !!!!!!!!

The flu took ages to clear but now it's gone :). I'm busy trying to get alsorts done but not seeming to get much finished.
Apparently the craft fair at Rhosygilwen was not very good at all, my friend was really dissapointed - it was her first fair. All the other people who had stalls were really friendly and helpful. She said that they gave her loads of encouragement and told her not to be down-hearted, and that the next one she did would be better.
I'm now going to be at 2 crafts fairs, both in the village (St. Dogamaels). One is called a "Green Fair" and that is in the local village hall, the second one is at the local abbey and my friend will be there also. Apparently they will be having "peg loom demonstrations", but we don't know who's doing them..................................let's wait and see.
We're hoping the weather stays nice, I'm busy making things for the 2 days, cushions, rugs etc. My friend - another Sarah - makes lovely hand bags using a very fine gauge peg loom that we made for her. I'll have to get some piccies to show you.
off now to finish the rug I'm on and to start the cushion/s to match.
Happy weaving everyone.

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