Friday 17 April 2009

Craft Fairs

Well, the two craft fairs have been and gone - they were a defintie learning experience and one I will willingly continue to increase.
The one on the Saturday was the first one I have ever participated in and it was really interesting. Everyone was very friendly and helpful, the lady who had organised the whole thing told me the best ways to display my looms, rugs, cushions etc. and also where to sit - not behind your table/display as it puts people off. Have tiers to your display as it is easier on the eye. I sold some looms and rugs on the Saturday and fely pleased with the day.
On the Monday I had a table at my second craft fair, this time I took the advice I was given and it really did make a better day alround. The table display looked much better also. Again I sold some looms and some rugs, cushions.
The best aprt of both days was helping the children to have a go at weaving, the looks on their faces was greaqt and they all enjoyed themselves.
I've been asked to do workshops as a result and am looking forward to them, for both adults and children. Also lots of people said how they had seen their grandmother/mother making rugs in similar ways.
If you're asked to get involved in a craft fair, go for it, it was a great experience for me and it could be for you too.
bye for now and happy weaving, spinning, knitting etc

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